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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Five Minutes: Best Mail

I stumbled across a new blog a few months ago, where the blogger challenges people to take five minutes to write on a given topic: un-edited, un-scripted, free-flowing thought.

She gives a new topic each Friday; last week's topic was "the best mail you got recently".

Going to give it a whirl (before tomorrow's topic arrives!) :


The box was not unexpected but the size certainly was.

The contents were spread on the counter....needles of different sizes, pills, syringes, alcohol wipes, a book of sheets describing each medication, something I don't have a name for but that look like different emotions struggled for dominance. Excited. Overwhelmed. Afraid. Grateful.

While daunting, we were reminded of what it will allow us to try.

I mean, it wasn't a box from Amazon, but Lord willing, the gift that the contents of this box may allow, will have enduring effects for the rest of my life, beyond closing a book on its last page.


Wow that went fast....
OK, so I took 10 min, but when your husband asks you for three different things in a row, you oblige and then extend your deadline :) .....

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