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Location: Nashville, TN, United States

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Give Me This Day..... daily bread.

I have been thinking for several weeks on this. The process that we're in requires it. I can no more make my body respond to these medications as I can control the outcome. Each day requires some or all of the following: pills, injections, doctor visits, blood work, and tests. Keeping up with it all is a full-time job and it is easy to believe that the whole thing relies on my ability to do it well, do it right, even perfectly.

But it doesn't and I'm reminded of my daily need of Him. He is my bread, my hope....not these things or even whether I become a mother soon or not.

He is kind to give good gifts and what we need for the day: His Spirit, of course; a community of friends who are sharing our burden with us; strength to face the next injection or test. Even down to small details: the welcome gift of sunshine on Saturday morning, winking through the clouds and into my bedroom window.

To quote a new song from my favorites The Weepies, "I was made for sunny days", and I have a Father who delights in giving them.

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Blogger Lauren Hitch said...

Love you, love The Weepies too. Praying for you and Eric in this season!

February 10, 2011 at 11:06 AM  

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